This week was a little harder to pin point what I wanted the theme to be for the week. I should probably just go through my list of themes and number them for what week they will be. It would be easier and save some time. The thing is, I'm busy so I'd like to have my theme coincide with that is going on that week.
I tried to do that but it just didn't work out this week. I was taking my daughter to Badger Volleyball camp in Madison, WI on Monday and I thought it would be a great opportunity to do some street photography after I dropped her off. Madison's State Street is always a lively place and I knew there would be some great photo ops! So, after dropping her off, I walked from Sellery Hall to State Street to start scoping out the area/people. I was trying to shoot from the hip (which I had never done before) and I would check my images every so often to see how I was doing. I had a few good ones but needed more practice on aiming the camera at my subject so it was in focus.
After a stop at the Chocolate Shoppe for some amazing ice cream, I continued my street photography. At this point I noticed my camera was acting "funny" and I couldn't figure out why. I've only had this particular camera for about a month so I thought I hit a button or something that was making it work really hard. I was only able to take a few more images and decided to call it a day.
When I got home, I could barely wait to see the images. I took the SD card out of the camera and went to my computer. When I tried to download the images, the computer kept kicking the card off. I tried and tried but the computer wanted nothing to do with the SD card. Then it all started to click ... I bet the SD card is why my camera was acting "funny" in Madison. This was the first time I had a bum card and couldn't get any of the images off it. So, in the trash it went! I'm just thankful it was images for myself and not a client! That would have been disastrous (I don't even want to think about it)!
So, after all that, I decided to scrap the street photography and go with H2O because it was raining (haha, doesn't that seem silly!). It was one of those sunny days with some clouds that would thunder very unexpectedly. It was very weird! No rain, just thunder. Then it started to down pour. And as fast as it started to rain, it stopped and the sun came out. I grabbed my Nikon D610 and my macro lens and started looking for rain drops on flowers/leaves.
While I was in my backyard, I felt a couple rain drops on my arms. Looked up and it started down pouring again! I ran to the gazebo for cover and was safe from the freakish storm. I was waiting for it to let up and decided to make this a photo op! The rain drops were big and coming down fast, so I got a really big rain drop splash and a couple other good images.
I ended up doing a few images inside but really didn't have time to focus a lot on my project. Friday, I had to give our dog, Abby a bath. She has skin allergies and I have to bathe her with a medicated shampoo every two weeks. She loves it ... (yeah right!). Well, at least it's the summer and we can bathe her outside. It makes it so much faster and easier (at least on me!). Since my theme this week was H2O and I was going to be using H2O, I decided to take my camera out with us. Abby has to have the shampoo sit on her for about 10 minutes so I used this time to take some images. I usually do training with her (so she'll forget about the shampoo that she wants to lick) so she was watching me and I'm sure wondering what the heck I was doing and why I wasn't giving her treats! We still had enough time to get in some training so she got her treats.
Here are the images from the week.

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